SF Planning

Enter data below to begin calculating impact fees for a project:

Trigger Information

Project Location

Project Name (optional)


Proposed Land Use

Existing GFA

Calculate Triggered Fees

No fees triggered

Estimated Fee Report

Project Details:


Net new dwellings:
New construction of non‐residential: GFA
New construction of office space: GFA
Increase in non‐residential: GFA
Increase in PDR: GFA
Increase in residential: GFA
Change or replacement of use: GFA

Fee: Fee: Cannot Calculate
(Subtotal: )

Fees not triggered:

Fees not currently supported:


Disclaimer: This web site is made available for educational and informational purposes only, not to provide legal or any other planning advice about impact fees or requirements. The above estimates shall not substitute for the final fees calculated and assessed by authorized City staff. The latest development impact fee schedule may be reviewed at https://sfplanning.org/project/development-impact-fees